
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Owning It

Today I'm linking up with Christina for her new "Owning It" series. 

I am obsessed with list making. My roomies in college used to laugh b/c I'd write "shower" at the top of my list. It was just one more thing I could mark off and feel a sense of accomplishment. And my lists MUST be hand written.

I also love whiteout tape. And I will often use it during my list making if I've made a mistake that needs to be fixed. Or I'll use it in my planner. I hate to see things marked out unnecessarily. So you'll typically see me with the following items: planner, loose paper (for lists), pen, highlighter, and whiteout tape.

I have a minor hand washing obsession. As soon as I get home from being away from the house, I must wash my hands. My kids know it's a rule, as soon as they enter the house, they must wash their hands too.

I'm a strict rule follower, my husband lives to follow his own rules. I guess it's true "opposites attract".  So far my daughter follows after me. Not sure where that leaves my son! Ha!

I hate having cold feet and when I'm home I'm always wearing socks and slippers. If I don't have slippers on, my feet will be cold, and I won't be happy.

Speaking of unhappy, I am not a morning person. In fact, it's in everyone's best interest in the morning to let me drink one cup of coffee before interacting with me. Sometimes in the morning (when I know my kids are already awake), I'll sneak downstairs to get my coffee and sit in the dark to drink it. However, once I have my coffee, I'm good to go and actually quite productive (and most productive) in the morning.

I typically leave cabinet doors or drawers open. I've even hit my head on an open door before. And I hate walking into the kitchen and seeing them open, so I'll typically shut them. But I hardly ever shut them the first time.

I always lay my clothes out the night before. And now I lay my daughter's clothes out for the entire week on Sunday night.

I don't mind folding laundry but I hate putting it away.

I have an obsessive personality and once I find a new obsession or once something bothers me, it's hard for me to move on.

And speaking of obsessions, I have an obsession with the Royal Family. I had a book growing up from the Royal Wedding b/c Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married the day I was born. I loved looking at it when I was little. I always loved Prince William. I would love to go to London someday. And random - I love the show "Royals".

I hate pumping gas. Sometimes I'll drive my car until it's almost empty if I know my husband will be driving us somewhere the next day (in my car) so HE can pump the gas.

I have a lot of little quirks about me, and a lot of things that probably drive people crazy. But it's who I am and what makes me, ME.  :)

Thanks for hosting such a fun link up, Christina! I think she'll be hosting it on the last Thursday of every month. You should join in sometime too!

I think I've spilled enough about me!


  1. I loved learning more about some of your quirks! I love making lists too (and have been known to add something I've already don't, just to cross it off haha).
    I talked about being a morning person on my list today, so we can balance one another out :)

  2. When I was in high school I was the same way about gas and would just have my dad pump it for me LOL - I just don't like it!! I'm a total list maker - I currently have like 4 different lists going with to-dos lol!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I love this! I have a thing for whiteout too. I will do over a list of my handwriting isn't perfect or I mess up. Glad we are all a little crazy

    1. Haha yes, I actually prefer to rewrite it vs the white out tape.

  4. I'm definitely a list maker too, I will even write something down that I did that wasn't on my list initially, just so that I can cross it off. :) I don't like my feet to be cold either, and I can't stand when they're dirty. I cannot get into bed with dirty feet!

  5. Huge yes to the list making! Ha, I’m SO about following the rules – I have to! I really need to lay my clothes out the night before – would save me so much time!

  6. We are a lot alike....but leaving cabinet doors open?? Yeah, gotta disagree there!! Hahaha!

    1. Haha, I know! It's crazy, and it bothers me eventually to. Especially when I hit my head on it!

  7. Love this list...I do so many of the same things. I rarely close my dresser drawers all the way and it drives my husband nuts!

    1. Haha, I guess we all have our own quirks that bother our spouses! ;)

  8. I'm also awful at putting laundry away. I'm cool with washing, drying, and folding but it ends there!

  9. I totally do the same thing with my car! haha I hate putting gas in it! That's definitely the man's job;)

  10. I'm definitely with you on the whole coffee thing. I just am I different person before I have it:) Anddd I do that gas thing too. We normally take my car to go out to eat or to the store or whatever. My husband is always getting gas for me because I dread it so much!

    1. That's great he does it for you. My hubs is usually complaining that I let it run out! Ha!

  11. Fellow rule-follower here! My husband makes fun of me for it :)

  12. Hahaha - I didn't even know all these things. I almost closed your cabinet doors yesterday after you found me a snack, but I didn't want to mess you up! I still object to you describing yourself as obsessive. Some of those are good habits, like washing your hands when you come home and putting out your clothes the night before. Now you've made me want to list mine. Hah!
